
This documentation is still being written. Please bear with us while we complete this documentation.


Along with emitters, declarations are a core concept of SuperScript.

What is a Declaration?

As described in Core Concepts, a declaration is an object which represents a server-side form of an entity to be used client-side.

A simple example might be a JavaScript variable representing a username: the name and value of the variable can be easily set server-side, as well as whether to prepend var.

Another example might be an HTML template which is modified server-side, then appended to the HTML to be used client-side.

Declarations are added to an application-wide Collection. Consequently, declarations may be added, retrieved, modified or deleted from anywhere in the application.

Emitters can be thought of as a pipeline through which declarations are passed

The figure above shows that wherever declarations are made, they are all added to the same collection, SuperScript.Declarations.Collection.

Declaration Types

All declarations must be an instance of the abstract class, DeclarationBase. This class belongs to the SuperScript.Common library

SuperScript.Common contains no usable implementations of DeclarationBase. Rather, implementation-specific type can be found in the various SuperScript add-on libraries.

DeclarationBase Members

A declaration is an instance of DeclarationBase.

                        abstract class DeclarationBase
                            string EmitterKey { get; set; }
                            string Name { get; set; }
                            abstract string ToString();

Let's take a look at each of the members on the DeclarationBase abstract class.

Name Type Description
EmitterKey string

Indicates which instance of IEmitter the content should be added to.

If not specified then the contents will be added to the default implementation of IEmitter.

Name string

Gets or sets the name assigned to this declarable.

ToString string

A call to this method will return this instance as a formatted string.

Some of the libraries listed on the Current Projects page will contain implementations of DeclarationBase with additional, implementation-specific properties.

Adding a Declaration

SuperScript.Declarations offers two methods for adding implementations of DeclarationBase to Collection.

                        public static T AddDeclaration<T>(DeclarationBase declaration, int? insertAt = null) where T : DeclarationBase
Parameter Type Description
declaration DeclarationBase

A custom implementation of the DeclarationBase abstract class.

insertAt Nullable<int>

Permits the instance of DeclarationBase to be inserted into the collection at a specified index.

The default value is null, so if not specified the instance will be appended to the collection.

                        public static IEnumerable<T> AddDeclarations<T>(IEnumerable<T> declarations) where T : DeclarationBase
Parameter Type Description
declarations DeclarationBase

A collection of custom implementations of the DeclarationBase abstract class.

Removing a Declaration

SuperScript.Declarations offers three methods for removing implementations of DeclarationBase from Collection.

                        public static void Remove(string nameOrCall)
Parameter Type Description
nameOrCall string

The Name of the previously-declared instance of DeclarationBase.

If specifying a function call (see ) then there is no need to include parentheses and parameters.

                        public static void Remove(DeclarationBase declaration)
Parameter Type Description
declaration DeclarationBase

The instance of DeclarationBase.

In addition to the two methods which remove a specific instance of DeclarationBase, it is also possible to reset the Collection.

When resetting the Collection, it is possible to remove only the instances of DeclarationBase which were added in the code, leaving any configured instances of DeclarationBase intact.

                        public static void Reset(bool removeDefaults = false)
Parameter Type Description
removeDefaults bool

Determines whether the configured default instances of DeclarationBase (if any exist) are to remain or whether all instances should be removed.

The default value is false, which means that configured instances will be left in the Collection.

What Next?

Read about emitters here.