
This documentation is still being written. Please bear with us while we complete this documentation.

The Emitter

Along with declarables, emitters are a core concept of SuperScript.

What is an Emitter?

As described in Core Concepts, an emitter can be thought of as a pipeline which deals with the converting of DeclarationBase instances into their client-side form.

An emitter may be thought of as a pipeline consisting of objects which can modify the declarations, and then write the output to the webpage. An emitter is passed a collection of DeclarationBase objects, and the end of the process returns an IHtmlString which contains the output of each declaration passed to this emitter.

Emitters can be thought of as a pipeline through which declarations are passed

The figure above shows that emitters can be thought of as a pipeline through which declarations are passed and whose result is an IHtmlString representing the client-side form of those declarations.


This documentation frequently refers to modifiers, which is simply a collective term for the classes involved in each stage of an emitter's processing. To be clear, and in reference to the above diagram, here are the definitions for each of the available modifiers.

Emitter stage Class implemented
Pre-modification ICollection<SuperScript.Modifiers.Converters.CollectionPreModifier>
Declaration conversion SuperScript.Modifiers.Converters.CollectionConverter
Post-modification ICollection<SuperScript.Modifiers.Pre.CollectionPostModifier>
HTML writing SuperScript.Modifiers.Writers.HtmlWriter

IEmitter Members

An emitter is an instance of IEmitter.

                        interface SuperScript.Emitters.IEmitter
                            object CustomObject { get; set; }
                            bool IsDefault { get; set; }
                            string Key { get; set; }
                            IHtmlString ToHtmlString(IEnumerable<DeclarationBase> declarations);
                            CollectionConverter Converter { get; set; }
                            ICollection<CollectionPreModifier> PreModifiers { get; set; }
                            ICollection<CollectionPostModifier> PostModifiers { get; set; }
                            HtmlWriter HtmlWriter { get; set; }

Let's take a look at each of the members on the IEmitter interface.

Name Type Description
CustomObject object

This property allows the user to pass any required object through the modification and conversion process.

IsDefault bool

Each declaration should have details of the emitter which should process and render its client-side form. This should be specified on the declaration's EmitterKey property.

However, by not specifying a value for EmitterKey SuperScript will automatically provide the key for the default emitter.

The default emitter is the first emitter in the collection with IsDefault set to true; if none have this value explicitly set then the default emitter is the first emitter in the Emitters collection.

Important: to allow SuperScript to fall back on the key of the default emitter (which is not the case when a key is explicitly specified) the emitters must have been specified prior to the declaration being added to the collection.

Key string

This is the value by which an emitter is identified by declarations, and when an emitter is requested to emit its declared contents (the client-side form of all declarations specifying this emitter).

Given that the Key is essentially an identifier for an emitter, each emitter must have a unique Key.

ToHtmlString IHtmlString

When called, this method emits the client-side form of the specified declarations.

Converter CollectionConverter

The implementation of CollectionConverter which has been assigned to this emitter.

A CollectionConverter is not required for an emitter.

PreModifiers ICollection<CollectionPreModifier>

The implementations of CollectionPreModifier which have been assigned to this emitter.

A CollectionPreModifier is not required for an emitter.

PostModifiers ICollection<CollectionPostModifier>

The implementations of CollectionPostModifier which have been assigned to this emitter.

A CollectionPostModifier is not required for an emitter.

HtmlWriter HtmlWriter

The implementation of HtmlWriter which has been assigned to this emitter.

An HtmlWriter is required for an emitter.

What Next?

Read about creating and configuring an emitter here.

Read about emitting the declarations from an emitter here.

Read about declarations here.