
This documentation is still being written. Please bear with us while we complete this documentation.

The Post-Collection Modifier

It is recommended to read about modifiers prior to reading the detail on this page. Read about modifiers here.

Modifies the string output of a CollectionConverter implementation.

Emitters can be thought of as a pipeline through which declarations are passed

The above image demonstrates how a CollectionPostModifier will be processed after the collections of DeclarationBase have been converted into a string, and prior to the client-side form being written to the webpage via an HtmlWriter.

Multiple implementations of CollectionPostModifier may be added to an IEmitter. Because the CollectionPostModifier takes and returns the same object, they may be stacked in a pre-determined order, with the output from one being the input to the next.

CollectionPostModifier Members

                        abstract class SuperScript.Modifiers.Post.CollectionPostModifier 
                            abstract PostModifierArgs Process(PostModifierArgs args);
                            bool UseWhenBundled { get; set; }
Name Type Description
Process PostModifierArgs

Executes this instance of CollectionPostModifier upon the specified PostModifierArgs.

Returns an instance of PostModifierArgs which is expected to be a modified version of the input argument.

UseWhenBundled bool

Gets or sets whether this CollectionPostModifier should be implemented when its parent IEmitter is referenced by a EmitterBundle.

Read more about emitter bundles here.

PostModifierArgs Members

                        class SuperScript.Modifiers.PostModifierArgs
                            object CustomObject { get; set; }
                            string Emitted { get; set; }
                            bool IsDebug { get; }
Name Type Description
CustomObject object

This property allows the user to pass any required object through the conversion process.

Emitted string

Expected to be the output of a CollectionConverter or a previous instance of PostModifierArgs.

IsDebug bool

Gets a value indicating whether the current HTTP request is in debug mode.

What Next?

Read about pre-conversion modifiers here.

Read about collection converters here.

Read about HTML writers here.